Thank you to everyone who responded to our last piece of communication and expressed their support for GWRN being involved in Recreational Use Assessments at Dyurrite. We were pleased with the level of support we received and have accepted the invitation from Barengi Gadjin Land Council (BGLC) to be involved.

If you wish to refresh your memory or missed the last update, you can read it on our website or click here. Otherwise, here is a brief reminder:

BGLC have asked GWRN to provide detailed, route by route, information on rock climbing and bouldering activities at Dyurrite. This information includes: who uses the area, how people access the base, undertake climbs (i.e., ascend and descend), move around the areas, the proximity of cultural values to documented routes and problems, and any scope to reduce the likelihood of impact on Cultural Values. 

This information will help BGLC understand what activities occur, and where, so they can make informed decisions about the best protection approaches that may allow recreational use to continue. 

For individual climbing sites where cultural heritage values are present, we will assist BGLC to develop a process that can protect the values that exist, understand the recreational uses, and consider the options for coexistence. 

Again, GWRN is not making any decisions about access – this role is to provide BGLC with information to inform their decision making and to act as a resource. 

What will happen next?

GWRN will work with BGLC to define the project and agree on processes that will enable this work to get started.

BGLC and Parks Victoria have already completed several weeks of cultural heritage assessment work at Dyurrite and will continue this work over the coming weeks and months. As this information is gathered, GWRN will work with BGLC to undertake a recreational use assessment at individual climbing sites where cultural heritage values have been identified. 

How can I get involved?

We will also work with BGLC to understand how we can bring interested members of the climbing community or organisations onboard to help.

For those who want to support the vision and purpose of GWRN by being actively involved in volunteering time and skills for projects and activities, we are planning to welcome new members in the next month or so. We will send out updates when our online membership application forms are ready to go. We want to thank those who have shown us support over the past year via donations, social media, conversations and messages. It is very much appreciated.

Finally, we would also like to acknowledge and thank the climbing community for its patience and for respecting the requests of the Traditional Owners in both Dyurrite and Gariwerd by adhering to the current closures. This is noted by all parties involved and supports the building of respectful and collaborative relationships.

We will endeavour to keep you up to date as the project gets under way.